Apostille Legalisation
UK Official Apostille
Advice and guidance on obtaining the official UK Apostille Certificate as described by the Hague Conference
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Apostille Certificate and Document Legalisation Service
This site exists to help you obtain an apostille stamp for UK documents as quickly and as easily as possible.
Apostille Certificate and Document Legalisation Service
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An apostille certificate is a seal that is embossed into your document or certificate like a stamp or seal. The apostille is the international verification that a document has been certified in the country of origin between signors and participants in the Hague Convention.
The completed apostille form certifies the authenticity of the document's signature, the capacity in which the person signing the document has acted, and identifies the seal/stamp which the document bears.
Note: The "apostille" attests to the validity of the signature of the notary public, county official, but not of the underlying signature nor of the contents of the document.
The Hague Convention applies "to public documents which have been executed in the territory of one Contracting State and which have to be produced in the territory of another Contracting State." The Convention does not apply to domestic filing of documents. "Apostilles" will not be issued for documents intended for use within the United Kingdom.
Countries which are Not a Member of the Hague Convention
Countries that are not members of the Hague Convention require full legislation of documents which involves one extra step: after an apostille has been issued all documents have to be sent to the consul of the relevant foreign embassy. The consul then adds their own certificate.
If you have a document which you want legalised for use in another Convention country, the Convention certification called an apostille must be affixed to the document by a competent authority. The apostille is a pre-printed form prescribed by the Convention.
Legalisation Steps:
- 1. Notarisation - this is the attestation by a Notary Public that the signature appearing on the document is true and genuine. In the legalisation process, this is usually completed in the country where the document originates. This may also be in the form of a certification which is made by a solicitor as to the signatures made on a document.
- 2. Apostille - a Government Official in the country of origin has to declare the signature of the Notary Public or the Solicitor as true and genuine.
- 3. Authentication - declare the Apostille as true and genuine prior to Legalisation.
- 4. Legalisation - the Embassy of the country where the document is to be presented can now declare and accept the signature, seal or stamp appearing on the document as genuine.
UK Apostille Service for use in Albania
UK Apostille Service for use in Andorra
UK Apostille Service for use in Antigua and Barbuda
UK Apostille Service for use in Argentina
UK Apostille Service for use in Armenia
UK Apostille Service for use in Australia
UK Apostille Service for use in Austria
UK Apostille Service for use in Azerbaijan
UK Apostille Service for use in Bahamas
UK Apostille Service for use in Barbados
UK Apostille Service for use in Belarus
UK Apostille Service for use in Belgium
UK Apostille Service for use in Belize
UK Apostille Service for use in Bolivia
UK Apostille Service for use in Bosnia and Herzegovina
UK Apostille Service for use in Botswana
UK Apostille Service for use in Brazil
UK Apostille Service for use in Brunei Darussalam
UK Apostille Service for use in Bulgaria
UK Apostille Service for use in Burkina Faso
UK Apostille Service for use in Burundi
UK Apostille Service for use in Cambodia
UK Apostille Service for use in Canada
UK Apostille Service for use in Cape Verde
UK Apostille Service for use in Chile
UK Apostille Service for use in China
UK Apostille Service for use in Colombia
UK Apostille Service for use in Cook Islands
UK Apostille Service for use in Costa Rica
UK Apostille Service for use in Croatia
UK Apostille Service for use in Cuba
UK Apostille Service for use in Cyprus
UK Apostille Service for use in Czech Republic
UK Apostille Service for use in Denmark
UK Apostille Service for use in Dominica
UK Apostille Service for use in Dominican Republic
UK Apostille Service for use in Ecuador
UK Apostille Service for use in El Salvador
UK Apostille Service for use in Estonia
UK Apostille Service for use in Fiji
UK Apostille Service for use in Finland
UK Apostille Service for use in France
UK Apostille Service for use in FYR of Macedonia
UK Apostille Service for use in Georgia
UK Apostille Service for use in Germany
UK Apostille Service for use in Greece
UK Apostille Service for use in Grenada
UK Apostille Service for use in Guatemala
UK Apostille Service for use in Guinea
UK Apostille Service for use in Honduras
UK Apostille Service for use in Hong Kong
UK Apostille Service for use in Hungary
UK Apostille Service for use in Iceland
UK Apostille Service for use in India
UK Apostille Service for use in Ireland
UK Apostille Service for use in Israel
UK Apostille Service for use in Italy
UK Apostille Service for use in Japan
UK Apostille Service for use in Kazakhstan
UK Apostille Service for use in Kenya
UK Apostille Service for use in Latvia
UK Apostille Service for use in Lesotho
UK Apostille Service for use in Liberia
UK Apostille Service for use in Liechtenstein
UK Apostille Service for use in Lithuania
UK Apostille Service for use in Luxembourg
UK Apostille Service for use in Macedonia
UK Apostille Service for use in Madagascar
UK Apostille Service for use in Malawi
UK Apostille Service for use in Mali
UK Apostille Service for use in Malta
UK Apostille Service for use in Marshall Islands
UK Apostille Service for use in Mauritius
UK Apostille Service for use in Mexico
UK Apostille Service for use in Moldova
UK Apostille Service for use in Monaco
UK Apostille Service for use in Mongolia
UK Apostille Service for use in Montenegro
UK Apostille Service for use in Namibia
UK Apostille Service for use in Netherlands
UK Apostille Service for use in New Zealand
UK Apostille Service for use in Niue
UK Apostille Service for use in Norway
UK Apostille Service for use in Panama
UK Apostille Service for use in Paraguay
UK Apostille Service for use in Peru
UK Apostille Service for use in Philippines
UK Apostille Service for use in Poland
UK Apostille Service for use in Portugal
UK Apostille Service for use in Republic of Moldova
UK Apostille Service for use in Romania
UK Apostille Service for use in Russian Federation
UK Apostille Service for use in Rwanda
UK Apostille Service for use in Saint Kitts and Nevis
UK Apostille Service for use in Saint Lucia
UK Apostille Service for use in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
UK Apostille Service for use in Samoa
UK Apostille Service for use in San Marino
UK Apostille Service for use in Sao Tome and Principe
UK Apostille Service for use in Senegal
UK Apostille Service for use in Serbia
UK Apostille Service for use in Seychelles
UK Apostille Service for use in Slovakia
UK Apostille Service for use in Slovenia
UK Apostille Service for use in South Africa
UK Apostille Service for use in South Korea
UK Apostille Service for use in Spain
UK Apostille Service for use in Sri Lanka
UK Apostille Service for use in Suriname
UK Apostille Service for use in Swaziland
UK Apostille Service for use in Sweden
UK Apostille Service for use in Switzerland
UK Apostille Service for use in Thailand
UK Apostille Service for use in Togo
UK Apostille Service for use in Tonga
UK Apostille Service for use in Trinidad and Tobago
UK Apostille Service for use in Turkey
UK Apostille Service for use in Ukraine
UK Apostille Service for use in United Kingdom
UK Apostille Service for use in United States of America USA
UK Apostille Service for use in Uruguay
UK Apostille Service for use in Vanuatu
UK Apostille Service for use in Venezuela
UK Apostille Service for use in Vietnam