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Apostille Legalisation

Legalisation (Apostille) is the official confirmation that a signature, seal or stamp on a UK public document is genuine.

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Apostille Legalisation

UK Official Apostille

Advice and guidance on obtaining the official UK Apostille Certificate as described by the Hague Conference

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Apostille Certificate and Document Legalisation Service


This site exists to help you obtain an apostille stamp for UK documents as quickly and as easily as possible.

Apostille Certificate and Document Legalisation Service


New feature available - Track Your Apostille Order Online

An apostille certificate is a seal that is embossed into your document or certificate like a stamp or seal.
  • Birth Certificate Replacement
The apostille is the international verification that a document has been certified in the country of origin between signors and participants in the Hague Convention.
The completed apostille form certifies the authenticity of the document's signature, the capacity in which the person signing the document has acted, and identifies the seal/stamp which the document bears.

Note: The "apostille" attests to the validity of the signature of the notary public, county official, but not of the underlying signature nor of the contents of the document.

The Hague Convention applies "to public documents which have been executed in the territory of one Contracting State and which have to be produced in the territory of another Contracting State." The Convention does not apply to domestic filing of documents. "Apostilles" will not be issued for documents intended for use within the United Kingdom.

Countries which are Not a Member of the Hague Convention

Countries that are not members of the Hague Convention require full legislation of documents which involves one extra step: after an apostille has been issued all documents have to be sent to the consul of the relevant foreign embassy. The consul then adds their own certificate.

If you have a document which you want legalised for use in another Convention country, the Convention certification called an apostille must be affixed to the document by a competent authority. The apostille is a pre-printed form prescribed by the Convention.

Legalisation Steps: